Friday, June 20, 2003

Turning the Compost - Well here it is another rainy weekend in NYC. I'm sitting here contemplating going to our garden on West 89th Street to transplant Farinacious Salvia into the shady east side of the Garden before the hot weather hits next week, and turning the Compost, which is wet as hell at this point, but cooking away nicely. Our red worms which used to live in the compost and help me turn it died in the protracted cold winter, so I've got to go down to 14th streeet market and see if Christina Datz from the Lower East Side Environmental Action Center is still around selling them. I like to turn compost. Its the perfect ruminative activity for turning over legal problems that come my way. First I do a lot of research, then I turn the compost. Right now I have a 75 year old client in fairly good health who is penniless and is going to be evicted on the street, unless I can come up with a new angle. Its an old case- five years, and we've been through Civil Court NYCounty with several stays, twice to Bankruptcy Court, and on to US District Court with a unique procedural argument I came up with a couple of years ago whilst turning compost, but now it looks like the end is nigh. Don't feel sorry for the landlord- the landlord is a well known very well funded charitable organization which prides itself for helping people- just not my client. She doesn't want to move into a "facility" and none of the agencies i have contacted have any rooms. So it's back to the Compost and then to court again.

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