Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Day...I just looked across the street from my window to check the snow and saw a neighbor returning home after a Sunday afternoon out. It’s about 4 pm and the man is dressed in a mid-length woolen coat with a woolen hat and is pulling a sled. I vaguely recognize him as a fairly stodgy middle aged man. He is covered with snow and looks happy. I start to wonder- I’ve never seen him with a female companion or children, so was he out sledding alone? The sled is one of the “American Flyer” type sleds with the little metal runners and a wooden slat at the top for steering. It’s been years since I’ve been sledding. The last time was in the Alps near Garmisch with my son. The hill was steep and snowy and we went over a teeth rattling bump at the end of the ride. I think about Riverside park and where a solitary adult could go to enjoy a quick sled run. Riverside park is more like Delaware Park in Buffalo than the Alps. In Riverside park there are potential sled runs between the upper walkways down to the main promenade just above the Soccer fields. This being New York, an adult could probably go sledding in Riverside park without raising any eyebrows. In Buffalo no one sledded after their 20th birthday, unless they were there with their kids. I stopped sledding when I became a “big girl”and took up Ice Skating.

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