Thursday, April 28, 2005

Tulips make you feel good. Last November, about 50 people converged on the West Side Community Garden the week end before Thanksgiving to plant Tulips. We roasted hamburgers on the last of summer's charcoal, served roast turkey and chili out in the cold air for the workers. Money for the 8,000 bulbs came from the Green Acre Foundation, and neighborhood contributions. Species Tulips, Darwin Tulips, early Tulips, late Tulips, fragrant Tulips, Peony flowered Tulips, Lily flowered Tulips, Parrot Tulips, green Tulips, striped Tulips, pink and yellow Tulips, red Tulips, as well as some Bluebells, Crocuses, Daffidils, and Hyacinths. They are all in bloom right now. You can see them on our website-, but you should go to West 89th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues for the full effect. People go in there and wander around with their mouths open, stunned at the sight of so many different Tulips. Children grow quiet and walk the paths smiling. People set their newspapers down in their laps and just sit looking. Lots of people come with their cameras, taking pictures of the Tulips, then their companions and the Tulips, and then pictures of themselves in front of the Tulips. No one picks the Tulips- even the flowers in the tree pits remain unmolested. I went there yesterday after a hellish morning in court where my adversary fluently lied to get his motion granted and found myself leaving with a stupid grin on my face. This happens every year, and every year the experience is slightly different but the same. The garden is open daily from 9-ish to dusk.

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