Friday, October 01, 2004

Shrub on the Run... like a petulant little peanut during most of the splitscreen reaction shots, our leader kept repeating the same important phrases... "support our troops, don't give mixed messages, we're winning, stay the course, evil in their hearts, don't forget Poland, a group of folks who don't want democracy" Shrub on the Run sounded like a crazy Mel Gibson in "Conspiracy Theory." when he defensively said " I know Osama bin Laden attacked us, I know that" in his comeback to Kerry's point that Iraq had not attacked us. At the end he came out with a wonderful bible image referencing the promised land about "standing on the mountain top looking down into the valley of peace." But, consider the high place the devil took Jesus up onto when the devil promised Jesus "all this can be yours" as they looked down at some middle eastern real estate.
Hey what about the Sharpster? I wanna see a debate between Shrub on the Run and the Sharpster up there with Kerry. That would spice things up.

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